Distance: Marathon
Start time: 09:00
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Caley Doran
June 08, 2016
Beautiful, Sunny Quite Race
First off, a FREE marathon in a beautiful location is unbeatable! Thanks to the director for putting this together! And this year, what a surprise... we received a medal as we finished!!! That was a huge perk! The first half was on a beautiful and quiet trail, but with little shade. Second half was through some industrial parts of the town, neighborhoods and then along Marginal Way, a busy road heading to the waterfront trail. This is the only spot I got confused with the race course. Everything was very well marked, but around mile 20 is when i somehow missed an arrow and ended up running into tall grass and railroad tracks. knew I was close but ended up finding the course at mile 21. The last 5 miles heading toward Alki were more populated, partly because it was a beautiful 88 degree day, but made for good distraction to the finish. This was by far my worst finishing time for a marathon, but that was due to an injury.. but it allowed me to take in all the sights and smile at the finish line on a beautiful California-ish beach setting! There were many 50 staters running this race, and its a great choice for Washington... only 1 hill that I can recall!!! Great for such a hilly area.
Richard Ervais
June 07, 2016
Excellent FREE Marathon!!!
Wow, a free marathon. Lots of credit must go to the organizers and volunteers who put on this Boston-qualifier race. Money they make from t-shirt sales and donations goes to charity. The running community should get together and create more of these type of races. The course starts out running along a river in a beautiful forest. There is a middle section along busy roads and in an industrial area but the finish is along the water with a spectacular view of downtown Seattle. Not a lot of crowd support, but the volunteers outdo themselves cheering and the people who are coincidentally along the course (running, biking, etc.) could not be nicer!
Bob Kidder
June 07, 2014
great experience
This was a great low key no frills marathon. i don't have anything negative to say about it. Good organization, plenty of fluid stations, friendly volunteers, sufficient number of portapotties in the parks along the course and a well marked course made this a wonderful run. I prefer the smaller marathons and this was perfect. I found several runners along the way running close to my pace and talked to some very friendly people. I am from Cincinnati and will definitely do this one again. I did not run the full 26.2 but ran 19 as I was using this as a training run for a marathon in July.
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