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Guernsey Marathon

WhereSt. Peter Port, United Kingdom
Start time06:00




Distance: Marathon
Start time: 06:00
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Alison Gittelman

April 22, 2024

Beautiful first half, wish it were an out and back

Guernsey marathon is a well-organized small (Fewer than 200 finishers) event. If you like all the amenities of large marathons, you may be disappointed. I am happier without crowds. The race starts in St. Peter Port which means you have to climb a significant hill for the first half mile. I opted to walk this hill, as did many others! The rest of the course is fairly flat with a few rollers. The scenery is spectacular and I loved looking around as I ran along the country lanes. You have to run in the road along the coast for a significant portion, and this was problematic as there are no cones separating runners from traffic. Guernsey drivers are generally extremely patient and considerate, but I did worry a bit given the volume of traffic (it was a sunny day so perhaps more people were out than usual) and the fact that we were running on the pavement when there was one but would then have to step into the road when it disappeared. There were also many cyclists in addition to cars, so it was very congested. I actually would have preferred a quieter inland route that took us away from traffic. I certainly could have skipped the second half of the course in the industrial north. It was noisy, dirty, and drivers tended to drive much faster which was scary when we had to run in the road. Couldn't wait to be done with that section. Feed stations were every 5k and they provided bottled water, lucozade, jelly babies, and chocolate. I brought my own gels and supplemental water. Marshalls were friendly and helpful, letting us know where toilets were etc. I would recommend Guernsey if you're not expecting huge crowds (support was sparse but good) and other large marathon hoopla. Note that there is a 6 hour time limit.

Michael Ingram

August 24, 2014

Stunningly Beautiful & Friendly

The last 4 miles are along the harbour road and post facilities but the rest of the course is absolutely stunning. Wide sandy coves, fort appointed headlands undulating rich meadows as lush as Guernsey milk. Main roads as wide a a country land and country lands a quiet and bucolic as you can imagine. The sea is everywhere , the rocks and smell of seaweed follow you and it is a pleasure just running around this island. The people are ridiculously friendly and cheerful even though they are thin on the ground but their enthusiasm makes up for it. No isotonics no gels ( in spire of promises) and cotton t shirt were the downside. Great medal was a plus. Do you want a sedate uncrowded marathon in a jewel of an isle? Then ignore the foibles as this is for you

Alan Day

November 10, 2013

friendly people on course

I got lost on part of the course - the result was that I finished too late to be recorded as a finisher - with only about 120 starters it is puzzling why electronic recording was used I would like to thank the marshalls for waiting for me on the course the organizers for the event.
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