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Marathon Details - Yonkers Marathon

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Yonkers Marathon

Yonkers Marathon & Half Marathon, 5K

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calendar icon September 15, 2024

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Contact Information

Address: 1 Larkin Plaza
Yonkers, NY 10701
Phone Number:  +914-377-6300
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (78)

Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.8 
Number of comments: 78 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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D. P. from Westchester County NY (10/22/2019)
"Historic Local Marathon - Great Organization" (about: 2019)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Yonkers Marathons

2019 was my 3d timing running the Yonkers Marathon and 53rd overall marathon. The Team organizing the race this year was awesome. Registration and Bib pick-up were EASY with multiple times to do so. The course layout was more runner friendly this year. Still hilly but its Yonkers! I have never seen so many Police Officers on a course. Every intersection was covered and safe. Thank you for putting on a wonderful race!!


Christopher Febles from Brooklyn, NY (11/7/2015)
"Darn You, Arnold Palmer!" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Yonkers Marathons

I tore the bib number from my singlet at the finish of this race in frustration. In fairness, Im a pretty easily frustrated person, but I'd really lowered my personal expectations for this years race. Perhaps not in tip-top shape, I just hoped to finish without too much effort. That proved quite impossible.

I grew up in Yonkers, so perhaps I should have realized what awaited me at Mile 22. The problem is that I'd always driven down Palmer Road, but never actually ran it. Thats by far the worst hill I'd ever experienced in 17 marathons. It makes Heartbreak Hill feel like a speed bump. I was feeling OK; a little hip problem, but on a flat course I would have finished with a smile. After that uphill, being asked to fly downhill was too much. I couldn't extend my stride. I cursed the name of Arnold Palmer, although Im only 40% sure of the accuracy of that reference. Arnold (or maybe Hall of Fame pitcher Jim?) crushed me.

So I was more than a little pissed at the end. Why would they have changed the course? The double loop isn't the most interesting but still challenging, and fan support is what it is. It runs past my childhood home twice. I considered ending my Yonkers streak at three. Or just doing the half next time.


This course is beautiful. There are quiet parts beyond the half-marathon. There are charmingly shaded spots along Tibbets Brook Park. There are the students of Sarah Lawrence cheering on the athletes, evoking memories of Wellesley College at the Boston Marathon. Theres enough city in this marathon to make it interesting and not desolate. There are many more spectators than past years. Had I felt better, I would have loved the new finish down Main Street  I had visions of charging down the thoroughfare! I was truly excited to run these streets. (Although I could have done without having to cross two, sometimes four, lanes of traffic to make a left turn on many of these streets. McLean Avenue is not meant for these kinds of turns. Also, someone might consider doing a sweep of Midland Avenue; there were lots of brambles and twigs on which someone could twist an ankle.)

This marathon has a special place in my heart. I was dating the woman who would become my wife as she cheered me on in 2011; she was holding our daughter in 2013 and 2014; and this year little Rosie ran holding my hand at Mile 10. I feel like I know every inch of this course, and I sometimes regret depriving Yonkers its due as a rather lovely suburb. Though I now live miles away, this is still my hometown race. It would be sad to think about a fall without spending a weekend with my parents, without seeing my little girl out on the course, without seeing the library at the finish, legs depleted but happy.


My message to the organizers: I WANT MY REVENGE ON THIS COURSE. Dont change it back, because Im coming with my A game this time. I WILL break 3:20, and I WILL charge down Main Street at top speed, even if I have to swerve around 99 cent shoppers and errant taxis, even if it means driving up to Bronxville and doing mile repeats up that unforgiving road in the searing heat of summer. No disappointment can keep me from reaching my goal; no poor showing will take away the joy this race has given me.

See you in 2016!


M. B. from New York (10/26/2015)
"Nice run but not for the first timer" (about: 2015)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Yonkers Marathon

This was marathon #7 for me and my first Yonkers. Having done NYC twice and MCM twice I figured why not go small and local for a fall race.For the first timer needing the music and cheers from spectators this is not the run for you. For those who truly enjoy distance running and the solitude it entails this is for you. The few spectators and the support that was out there was some of the most energetic and delightful I have ever seen. I wasn't a huge fan of all the hills but still had a decent race.I was really happy with how simple and low key the race was. Super easy to park near the start and getting out was just as easy. My experience with the folks at NYCRUNS left me wanting to sign up for all of their races. Very pretty and scenic in some parts but most of the run was through the city. The last two downhill miles were total quad killers!


M. J. from Manhattan (10/21/2015)
"Hills You Won't Forget. Great New Course." (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Yonkers Marathons

The first half is essentially the same course as 2014. But at 12.5, Half marathoners dash to finish and marathoners move into serious hills. Volunteers and Police presence were really exceptional. Few spectators: It was really about our fellow runners and those HILLS! (Did I mention miles 22-24?) I'll be back.


Christopher Febles from Brooklyn, NY (10/13/2014)
"Of course..." (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Yonkers Marathons

Congratulations to the NYC Runs guys. You turned a low-key marathon into a really nice event, without devolving into a Disney-like atmosphere. Yonkers retains its status as a race for the hardcore - if you don't believe me, try running it.
Of course, not their fault it was 80+ degrees. They tried pushing it back, to no avail. Oh well.
If you're looking for crowd support, go run Rock and Roll somewhere. If you want to go for a big run and challenge yourself, and could care less about 'cheer zones' and big sponsors, this race is for you.
Oh, and wag of the finger to the Metro North, who decided to conduct a MASSIVE construction project from midnight to 4 AM on Saturday night. I couldn't sleep through any of it. Boo!


B. S. from New York, NY (9/30/2014)
"Nice, but small urban marathon" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Yonkers Marathon

This race had a low-key vibe. A double loop through gritty Yonkers. The course has some steep sections. On the second loop, the running crowd drammatically thinned as the half marathoners disappeared, and cars returned to streets that had been cleared. Water stations were well-attended. Kudos to the Yonkers city staffers for supporting the event. NYCRuns gets kudos for being a grassroots alternative to the otherwise monopolistic NYRR.

Bottom line: a good low-key race, but probably not the all-encompassing event a first timer would want.


NY Runner from NY (1/18/2014)
"A Personal Favorite" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons

I will begin by saying that, although I have never done the full Yonkers marathon, the Yonkers half has been one of my favorites for many years. I have completed it more than 10 times, most recently in 2013. The full is basically a double loop. Unfortunately, the addition of current race management company NYC Runs has not been to the race's benefit. Admittedly, due to the company's efforts the number of runners entered has increased and the race now has a more 'professional feel'. This possibly has been important to the race's survival; however, one could argue that this has been at the expense of its small race charm. Race entry fees have increased significantly over recent years and you don't get much for it other than running the race. Packet pick up consists of one person handing you a race bib and cheap tech shirt. The start was disorganized and the starting line was awful creating a bottleneck effect...seemed to be set up more for a race of under 100 runners rather than one of more than 700. There was NO Gu or gel, and no clocks along the course, only mile markers. The finish was set up in the worst possible area where there was no space for spectators near the finish line. There was fruit, bagels, donuts and water at the finish. There were NO bathrooms at the finish. The post-race 'party' did not start until 12:00 but the race started at 8:00 AM. The restaurant that was having the post-race 'party' did not allow runners to enter or use the bathrooms prior to noon. Food and beverages were available at full price only (beers starting at $5 for a Coors or Budweiser); no discount for runners. Awards for some age group winners were not available and they were told to call NYC Runs rather than someone from the company taking initiative to contact these individuals. The volunteers as with all races are great! I find the course interesting and challenging. It has FEW scenic parts if you are looking for that. The course is not completely closed to traffic. There are few spectators, but the ones who are out there are great! Unfortunately, doing this race in recent years has had me wondering two things about the race management: 1) are they themselves runners and 2) are they in this just for the profit vs. a passion for running? That being said, despite its drawbacks I believe that Yonkers being an historic marathon (2nd oldest) should be on every serious runner's to do list.


Christopher Febles from Brooklyn, NY (10/3/2013)
"The Best Part Was Seeing Rosie" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Yonkers Marathons

Second time I've done this race. It's my hometown. I don't see the course as that tough; hilly, but not impossible. For some reason this year, there were more competitors, more fans, and more cops. Not a rough edge to be found. The NYCRuns influence was greatly felt.

But my 6-month old daughter (and her mom and grandparents) greeted me at Mile 2 / 15. She laughed and smiled, and held (really) up a sign that said, 'Go Daddy, Go!' That's the best part.

Thank you Steve Lastoe and friends for a great race. I'LL BE BACK NEXT YEAR!


J. S. from NY (9/29/2013)
"Too Much Traffic!!!" (about: 2013)

3 previous marathons | 1 Yonkers Marathon

I ran the half for the first time this year and was nearly hit by two cars. First, a cop tried to stop a guy at an intersection and he decided to just run through it anyway. Another time, an 18 wheeler just pulled up right beside me- and this was within the first 1 hour and 40 minutes of the race basted on half marathon time. It was very nerve wracking. Also, the course went through a lot of unsafe neighborhoods, so watch out for that - and BRING GU if you use it.


A. B. from New York (1/1/2013)
"Much Better for the Half" (about: 2012)

3 previous marathons | 1 Yonkers Marathon

This was a pretty good, small race. There was about 1000 participants, and about 900 did the half marathon. That left the crowd for the full very sparse, which was nice or not nice depending on how you like it.

First issue, the marathon is a double loop. You finish the half, take a right and start over, mentally kind of depressing. Maybe some people like that, i don't imagine most do.

Second issue, the roads were all blocked off for the half marathon (loop 1), not so much for the full marathon (second time around). I was often running on the side of the road, with no sidewalk, next to cars driving. It wasn't all bad, there were police officers at all the intersections, but i did feel in the way for a lot of the second half.

Third qualm, water stops were oddly spaced, seemed to be a lot in the beginning and not so many toward the end.

Other than that, it was a nice mix of 'city' running and rural scenic running. Hills the whole way, not too bad though. Food at the end was fine. Parking and all was fine as well.

Would definitely recommend for the half. Be wary of the whole however.


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