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Marathon Details - Dublin Marathon

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Dublin Marathon

Irish Life Dublin Marathon

location icon Dublin, Ireland

calendar icon October 27, 2024

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Contact Information

Name: Dublin Marathon
Address: Donore Harriers Sports Centre,
Dublin 20,
Phone Number:  00 353 1 6232250
Fax Number: 00 353 1 6263757
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (267)

Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.2 
Number of comments: 267 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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D. R. from Philadelphia suburb (11/4/2022)
"great international marathon" (about: 2022)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Dublin Marathon

I was signed up for this marathon as well as Virginia Beach in 2020, but Covid came along so they both became 2022 runs. My 16th marathon, and I have to say it was probably my favorite. Dublin is a great international city to visit, great restaurants and fun things to do, and it felt like the whole city came out for the run. The best supported run crowd wise that I've ever been in. It felt like there was someone cheering for me every step of the way, and it really made a difference the last mile when people were calling out my name. Solid expo, good logistics for the race, and 4 well spaces out corrals with ample port-o-pottys. The course had some hills including M 20-22, but nothing too dramatic. The weather was perfect (mid 50s). There is a lottery to get in, but I think that they take into account where runners are coming from (international helps) and also consider where you might finish (I was at 4:35) to balance out the field. Post race was basically a pub crawl. The race is always run before a bank holiday so everyone was off the next day, and it is also run on the sunday that the clocks are turned back, which helped a little. The only thing I struggled a little with is being a little foggy at the start from jet lag (I landed in IR thursday morning). I've run London and Liverpool as comparisons, both great events but this one was superior. If you are thinking international for next year, sign up for the lottery now (I think they notify runners by the end of January).


P. C. from Indiana USA (11/11/2019)
"Great Marathon Experience - great city" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Dublin Marathon

I really enjoyed the Dublin Marathon. As others have noted, the fan support is truly spectacular. I enjoyed the Haribo candy and took advantage of the oranges and drinks on the course. This was my 19th Marathon, and second outside North America. The support was unrivaled. The crowd was enthusiastic, and the Irish take running seriously. The course was not spectacular, and had some awkward pinch points that led to frequent and sudden constriction for those of us running a 3:20 pace. I wish that there were more frequent water and sports drink locations on the course. The course also had more turns and twists than would be ideal, and as a result most runners including me covered significantly more than 26.2 miles. There are no major hills, but the course rolls significantly throughout. Definitely not a PR course. The delays for entrance to the corals and bag drop added unnecessarily to the race day anxiety, and detracted from what otherwise would have been flawless organization. We really enjoyed the opportunity to run in Dublin, and took full advantage to add an Irish vacation.

For 2020 this marathon is going to a lottery. I think that is a shame, as it doesn't sell out overnight, and frankly, why not let the early bird have the worm?


K. W. from Indiana (11/4/2019)
"The Irish really know how to welcome you." (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Dublin Marathon

The best and most notable aspect of my Dublin marathon experience was the people. They really know how to welcome you and cheer you on. It began at the expo, where, when they learn this is your first Dublin marathon or perhaps simply first marathon, they loudly announce your name and the room erupts with cheers and applause. At least 2 or 3 times on the course I heard my name and that I was from the U.S. on a loud speaker as I approached a timing mat; again spectators cheered. All through the course the crowd support was just amazing, so 5 out of 5 is given.

It was well organized and everything ran smoothly. The only niggle I had was that the security check points were not opened till about 8 am. Our bag drop, which was inside the security perimeter, was to be from 7:15-8:15 according to the race info, with the race starting at 8:45. Race morning is an anxious time for runners, and I think we like to make sure we're on time and to the corrals, etc. So 4 of 5 for that.

For me, and that's an important caveat, the course was just average. This marathon was THE race this year. I went there with a time goal. As a result, during the race I was focused on my pace, my nutrition, the running surface, etc. To me, it was a typical/average big city marathon course.


C. S. from Orlando, Florida (11/6/2017)
"Most friendly marathon ever." (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Dublin Marathon

Dubliners are super friendly. The crowd support at the race and the general excitement throughout the city was the best part. The expo was small for the size of the race and didn't have everything I normally buy. It's also in Ballsbridge so I needed to get a taxi from and then back to city center. The start area was OK, but they restrict access to only runners long before the start corrals and even before bag check. It is easy to get to though and you don't need to be there super early. The shutting off of streets was confusing and my wife missed both the start and finish trying to get there. The course was way too crowded at the start. The roads were too narrow for the amount of runners and I didn't get any space to really run until the 5th mile. I was pushed, elbowed and bumped more than any other marathon I've run. I even saw a profanity laced argument between two runners over shoving. They need to consider more corrals to space out the runners more. The course was great after that, quite lovely with a large, loud crowd and super support. If they fix the crowding its a 4 course with PR and BQ potential. I also would have liked to go through some of the city center. The finish line was blah with a long lonely walk after the medals to the bag check and then a large crowd waiting at the exit one had to push through. Make sure you hit the local pubs after the finish to meet other finishers. The course would be better if less crowded, but this was a great destination race for me with a great crowd and friendly city.


M. J. from Copenhagen, Denmark (8/16/2017)
"A must-do race!" (about: 2016)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Dublin Marathon

I ran the Dublin City Marathon in 2016.

The good: Pretty much everything! Beautiful fast course, great support, cool expo, great organisation, beautiful finisher medal. The only race I have run that gives out a long sleeved t-shirt at the finish line (so you have to earn the t-shirt, you can't just buy one with an entry).

The bad: ehm...why is the ribbon on the finisher medal blue? It's dublin - it should be green! No seriously, no real complaints. It's a race to run!


J. M. from Merritt Island, Florida (1/10/2017)
"Best Marathon Ever!!!" (about: 2016)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Dublin Marathon

I ran the 2016 Dublin Marathon and out of 17 marathons it was my favorite (my 17 includes NYC, Chicago, Paris, Marine Corps, WDW). The course was excellent with spectators cheering the entire way. There were minimal spectators in the Park but the park was so gorgeous especially with the leaves change colors, and the sites looking over into Dublin, it didn't matter. What a wonderful course through the city and the support. The energy was truly amazing throughout the course. I had tears of joy running because it was that amazing. I can't wait to run it again. The temperature was ideal too. There were just a few 'inclines' which to me seemed no larger than an on-ramp or small bridge on a highway in USA. My fellow runners were great too. The only negative comment I have is that they ran out of the race gear in the smaller women's sizes super fast. I went the second day to the marathon and everything was sold out. So maybe increase the stock on women's small sizes. I loved the water bottles on the course. I ran Paris earlier in the year and this marathon was night and day comparison for the better. Paris was extremely boring to me and the crowd support was first rate in Dublin.


J. J. from Staffordshire England (11/1/2016)
"Amazing marathon" (about: 2016)

1 previous marathon | 1 Dublin Marathon

This was my first marathon and I can honestly say I loved it even tho I was running with an injury.

Crowds were fantastic and a lot of us runners would not complete it without the encouragement and support of the crowds and fellow runners.


S. G. from Leeds, Yorkshire , UK (11/1/2016)
"Dub Marathon best atmosphere!" (about: 2016)

1 previous marathon | 1 Dublin Marathon

Ran my first Marathon last Sunday 4hrs 12mins in Dublin and it was excellent. Makes such a difference when baggage organised properly- so efficient to drop and collect when have nerves and after exhausted. Great course although you have to collect number bibs day before and the course on the day not as flat as was told by husband ha. The banter is great from fellow runners. The spectators and atmosphere was Ace! Might even do again once legs stop aching! Drinks and gels handed out at certain mileage points. Lovely medal and nice tshirts. Everyone friendly and chatty. Treated like heroes at the airport same day with shirts on ha


S. D. from Amsterdam (2/26/2016)
"Best Fans In The World!" (about: 2015)

2 previous marathons | 1 Dublin Marathon

Loved the Dublin Marathon!
I had heard that the support would be good but I had not expected such numbers of cheering, fun loving and motivating people along the whole course! There were plenty of sweets and fruits on offer, lots of fun posters and if anyone saw you struggling they would be very quick in getting you back on your feet!
The expo was fine, no issues with the start line or bag drop, the course is a bit hilly but manageable. Only issue is the area after the finish line is a bit crowded and difficult to navigate. Nice t-shirt and medal to remember this race.
So much love to the people of Dublin!


D. R. from United States (12/27/2015)
"Fantastic RACE" (about: 2015)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Dublin Marathon

This was my 5 marathon and the best yet.
The spectators were the best part, they were out in the wind and rain cheering!
The water bottles were perfect for a grab and go and carry if you want.
I was disappointed no one handed out Guinness at the finish nor did I hear bag pipes or see any kilts at all.
During their National Anthem everyone just kept on about their business no one showed any sign of respect or honors, I thought that was a little strange.
It was so cold at the end that emergency warm blankets would have been really nice. But absolutely worth doing. The only bad part was our hotel room was robbed the night of the marathon.


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