2010 Indianapolis Marathon
MarathonGuide Staff
Jan 14, 2025
Sarah Beutter
1st Marathon
1st Marathon
Saturday, October 16, 2010
In July of 2010 I had been back to running for about 4 months (I had 2 back to back foot surgeries in Fall of 08 and spring of 09). I was really enjoying it and all of a sudden got the urge to train for a marathon, and I wanted to run it before 2010 was over. I made my announcement on July 4th to friends and family. It was official. I signed up for the Community health Network Indianapolis, IN marathon to be held on October 16th 2010. I had somewhat of an advantage, my boss is an avid marathoner and Ironman athlete…so I asked him to coach me along. He was beyond excited for me.
I began my training, I chose a 5 on 2 off training plan…which was tough as the mileage got higher and higher. My body slowly adapted to the long miles. My highest week I logged almost 50 miles! Average was around 27 though. I wanted to make sure I was prepared both physically and mentally for this event. I had read tons of stories about people who did not train properly and failed miserably the day of the event. I also studied extensively on what to eat, what to wear, what to take during my long runs, how much sleep to get, and it seems anything else that pertained to marathon running. I must say I thoroughly enjoyed my training. I only ran into a bump on my longest long run (22.74 miles). That about killed me it felt like, but was my own fault, when I went out it was sunny and looked like it was going to be warm, however about an hour in the sun went away, the wind picked up, and it was cold. I remember thinking “how am I ever going to finish this marathon?” I only hit my “wall” one time and that was on my 20 mile training run and I blame that on not being prepared, I was short 1 gel and I think that made all the difference.
Well race day arrived and started out with a bang…my parents and boyfriend all came down for the event…However as my boyfriend and I approached the race site our battery light came on, I about had a panic attack…I did not want to be late, or have to walk anymore than I needed to…luckily we got to the site…Unfortunately though my boyfriend and dad had to go take care of the car so they missed the majority of my race. My mom hung back with me and I am so glad she did. It was a very cold 39 degrees when we started at 8:30. I opted to strip down to my shorts and under armor heat t-shirt and a singlet. Boy am I ever glad I did. About 2 miles in and I was warm. About 13 mile sin I was sweating. I felt awesome for the first ½. Had a great split! I really had no specific time goal in mind other than I wanted to run somewhat even ½’s and I wanted to finish.
My gels tasted great and that helped tremendously…I took in Gatorade at every station, which became a chore as the lemon-lime flavor quickly became nasty…however I knew my body needed the replenishment it provided. Mile 16, my right knee lit up with pain…I don’t remember stepping weird or doing anything specific to cause this so I am equating it to fatigue. Mile 20 my hips really started to kick in…I slowed down a little, even though I didn’t want to I knew I needed to listen to my body…Finally I came to the last 1.2 miles…That was a great feeling! I pushed myself to run the last 1.2 miles as fast as my tired and hurting body would let me. Then I hear my name announced as I make it to the home stretch…Pride overwhelms me. I hear and see my parents and boyfriend cheering me to the finish…I don’t know whether to cry or laugh, it is a very overwhelming feeling when you cross that line. I had finished in 4:48! To know you have done something that not very many people have done is an overwhelming feeling. I will run another marathon. I had an amazing 1st experience even with the tremendous amount of physical pain I experienced after. It was just a reminder I had accomplished something great! I encourage anyone who is thinking about running one to go for it.
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