calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Newport Marathon (RI) Runner Comments

Back to Newport Marathon (RI) Information & Reviews

Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.1 
Number of comments: 138 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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C. P. from Plymouth, Indiana (10/13/2014)
"Beautiful course, terrible expo." (about: 2014)

2 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

One of the most beautiful courses in the US with ocean views and spectacular estates of the rich and famous. The 'expo' had maybe 5 poorly stocked vendors in a tent which was set up to create a bottleneck with everyone trying to pick up their race packets. 90% of the roads were open to traffic with cars passing within a few feet of the runners, but most intersections have police officers holding traffic as needed. The start was delayed for about 20 minutes while waiting on confirmation that intersections were controlled.


K. D. from Richmond RI (10/13/2014)
"Not a walker friendly race" (about: 2014)

2 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

This was only my second 1/2, but this course was not walker friendly, when we got to the water stops, they were already packing up, At the Fort Adams stop, there was a ryder truck blocking a clear path for us and we were very much an after thought, and there were people still walking behind us. There was beauty but no excitement. If we had gotten hurt no one would have known. Only one water stop on Ocean Rd was excited to see us. The start of the race was very unorganized, just a crowd of people waiting to trample their way across the start line. the finish line was great and our families were able to be there when we crossed. I liked the medal. Never found the expo store. Maybe my expectations were too high being my first 1/2 was Disney.


L. C. from St. Louis, MO (10/12/2014)
"Beautiful coastal marathon" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

By far the best aspect of this marathon is its scenic course. Beautiful Rhode Island coast line makes the miles go by faster. Overall a small event but still crowded packet pick up and registration. There was a long slow moving line for the half marathoners on Saturday but no wait for the full runners. Definitely register ahead on time on line. Aid stations seemed too spread out but were stocked with bananas and gels along with water and Gatorade. Not much spectator support but those who came out were enthusiastic. Drive to marathon start was a bit of challenge. Be prepared to use GPS to take alternative routes. I did not take shuttle service but seemed to run well. Post race food included pizza and bananas. Medal was nice and doubles as a bottle opener. Would recommend especially for 50 staters.


Kelvin Moy from Chicago, IL (11/17/2013)
"An above avergae race" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

Agree with most of the other comments.

The course is very good and beautiful. The first half is spectacular, but I won't complaint about the second half. Running around those residential neighborhood is nice. Actually the second half spectators are more than I expected and they are very cheerful.

Being not talking this race very seriously, the hilly course in the second half is challenging for a guy training in the midwest flat plain. It is even a bigger mental challenge as when enjoying the downhill, back in your mind you know that you need to run as long an uphill when return.

No date or year on the T-shirt is a big minus. The food is not great, but with the low entry price, will take whatever I get.

There really a problem in the gear check. The volunteer write down my bib# incorrectly, but lucky I can spot my bag and point it out. Really need to print the tag and hand out with the bib.

The end of the half race is so nice that friend and family can easily cheer you near the end.

Not sure will run it again, but really an above average race (and a good alternative to the Chicago Marathon as race on the same date)


James Lehman from Coppell, TX (11/16/2013)
"Worth at least once" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

I flew in from Dallas to run Hartford on Saturday then Newport on Sunday. I'm glad I didn't fly in only for Newport because I wasn't impressed with the expo organization and traffic situation near the end of the 26-mile race. It gets little dangerous after mile 24 with so many cars in town unaware that a foot race is in progress. The medal was small but I appreciate it is shaped like Rhode Island and is finely inscripted. The second half of the course isn't well monitored. I observed two runners cheating blatantly by turning around early, and now I don't recall a timing mat at the half point. The race site solicited volunteers but didn't announce volunteer positions, times, days, etc. I would have volunteered at the expo if the website had described what was required or offered. Other:
1. Scenery is worth running the race at least once.
2. Shuttle organization is okay if arriving early, but not advisable if arriving late.
3. Area hotels are pricey.
4. Humid conditions; pack and carry vaseline or lubricant.


G. F. from Cedar Grove, Tenn. (11/1/2013)
"Run it for the scenery." (about: 2013)

First Marathon

I was vacationing in the area and decided to run the half. Newport is a beautiful town and the race was no exception. The weather was great but you run along the coast so that should always be considered when running this race. The packet pick up was a mess, took me 45 minutes standing in line outside a tent, that has to get better! After race food was nothing to talk about. The shuttle service worked well even if the race did start late. Spectators were able to take the bus both ways with no problems. Traffic to get to the parking lots was backed up so plan accordingly. If you are in the military or have government ID stay at the Naval Station, very close and the rates are great. Liked the race, but if you need lots of 'stuff' probably not the race for you.


P. K. from Cincinnati, Ohio (10/28/2013)
"Beautiful Location, Mediocre Organization" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

As already noted, this is a half-marathon with another 13.1 miles tacked on as an afterthought. The 13.1ers dominate. The first half has scenery and town, while the second half consists of two ho-hum out-and-backs on the fringes of Newport.

POSITIVES: beautiful ocean, park, town scenery, course variety. Enthusiastic volunteers and spectators. Reliable shuttle service between parking lots and race start/finish (except a 10-minute delay at race start). Minestrone soup, pizza, beer after the race.

NEGATIVES: at race start I was on the edge of the road and ran directly in front of a speaker when the announcer screamed HEATHER!!!!, almost popping my left eardrum. Listening to bad pop music before the race is bad enough, but either move the speakers back, or don't scream& we all can hear you.
Also, don't put cones in the middle of the road where there's little, if any, car traffic. The runners, at least during the crowded first half, inhabit both lanes anyway. The cones just offer opportunities to stumble. Which I did, at mile 6. Use the cones in town, or at intersections. You don't need them everywhere.

Miscellaneous: disorganized, cramped expo tent (need signs identifying separate lines for half and full marathon registrants). Some difficult hills toward the end. Goofy-looking finishers medal (the ribbon is wider than the medal - it looks like they wanted to impress, but didn't want to spend the money).

In summation: a good but not-great marathon.


J. L. from Kansas City (10/23/2013)
"Worst Organization of Any Race...Ever..." (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

I have run over 100 marathons, and rarely make comments on this site. Unfortunately, the world needs to know what a mess they made of this race.

First, the positive - This is one of the most beautiful courses you will ever run. I am afraid to report, that, without this beauty, this race would disappear.

Every step of the organization was an adventure. The packet check-in was a mess. I heard some people waited over an hour. They ran out of large shirts about an hour into the check in. Lot's of XL for those 400+ pound runners you see every day.

The race started late...of course. No food at the end. Worst medal I have ever seen.

Other than that, it was a great time.

Run Providence for the states.


R. J. from USA (10/21/2013)
"Beautiful small-town race" (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

This course, particularly the first half, is one of the most beautiful I have run, easily as scenic as Big Sur. The second half is scenic too, just not as spectacular as the first. As for those of you complaining about the absence of musicians, cheering sections, or complaining about the small expo, what were you expecting? This is not a Rock 'n Roll race, and thank goodness. You want those things? Go run a big-city race. And as for the wind, the Race Director does not control the weather. This course runs along Ocean Avenue and past Brenton Point State Park which is spectacular but exposed to the wind. It wasn't a factor this year (2013). They could have run it along a more sheltered route but that would have been pretty boring, wouldn't it? Kudos to the RD for designing a beautiful course, and don't change a thing.
I have a few gripes. The race started late due to the buses bringing runners from the parking spots. The first few miles were a bit crowded and one idiot was riding his bike alongside his girlfriend, adding to the congestion. Since they already have chip timing, they might consider start corrals or wave starts to alleviate some of the early-mile crowding. And yes, the post-race food could have been better, they had some cold pizza but I don't expect a gourmet meal at that point.
Overall a really beautiful and well-done course with rolling hills but nothing too hard, and very nice scenery! Aid stations were great.


S. H. from Minneapolis, MN (10/21/2013)
"A once great marathon, marred by some big issues." (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Newport Marathon (RI)s

I ran in the inaugural Breaker's Marathon. It was a race designed by a 50-Stater to help other 50-Staters get a marathon in Rhode Island. I also ran the race in 2007. And now in 2013. It has since grown into a much larger race and is now plagued by large race issues.

First, packet pick up had 2 people handling number pickup for each race. There were over 2500 1/2 marathoners and 1500 marathoners. That meant huge lines and waits to get your number. That is inexcusable.

Further, packet pickup was in a large tent incapable of handling the number of runners participating. Packet pickup needs to be moved to an indoor venue with much more space.

Second, on race day, the shuttle service delayed the start of the race by 15 minutes. That also is inexcusable. As soon as they made the decision to use a shuttle service they should have been able to figure out potential traffic issues and plan accordingly. When the race started in downtown Newport and finished at the beach, there was ample parking near the start meaning people could stay warm in their cars until it was time to line up. If that is no longer possible and they continue to use a shuttle service, they need to ensure the race starts on time. They can do so by having a hard cut-off time for the last shuttle. If you miss the shuttle, you miss the race.

Third, they had no first aid along the course. It was a mild and humid day. I can't count how many runners I saw with blood splotches on their shirts from chafing. I was one of them. I caked on the body glide before hand, but no amount will do with humid conditions. There wasn't one single first aid tent along the course and none of the water stations had Vaseline. That was a complete miss. Every third water station should be stocked with a couple tubs of Vaseline.

Some of the positives.

First, Newport is a beautiful town in a beautiful state. The people there are great! The volunteers were excellent.

Second, I was worried that the shuttle service after the race would be a huge fiasco. However, it worked out pretty well, for me. I was on the first marathon bus, however, so I don't know if it continued to go well for others.

Third, the water stations were spaced pretty well and were well stocked.

But again, those big issues were disappointing as my first two experiences with the race were great. If they fix those big issues, it can once again be a great race.


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