calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Newport Marathon (RI) Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.1 
Number of comments: 138 [displaying comments 21 to 31]
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C. D. from CONNECTICUT (10/19/2013)
"So Much Potential" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

The Newport Marathon has so much going for it - big name sponsor, great weather, stunning location; but I was really somewhat disappointed in it's execution. Many of the problems are well documented in previous posts and I didn't see any effort in improving things in 2013. Basic lapses in planning and execution were sad to see. The course IS THE Reason to run this event and as long as you know it going in - it should be a great event for you. Expect little race support and minimal organization and you'll be fine. I do have to give props to the female 'race announcer' in 2013. She was genuine and enthusiastic and thankfully didn't feel compelled to talk ad nauseum like so many other 'race announcers'. I plan on running next year, just making sure I'm carrying everything I need or can grab it from my family as I run by.


M. D. from GA USA (10/17/2013)
"A lovely race." (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

This is a great race and it is highly recommended. The course is lovely and runs along the ocean, through wetlands, into a wildlife preserve, into lovely neighborhoods, and along the famous Newport millionaires cottages. It is two out and back loop half-marathons. The first is run with the half marathoners and they outnumbered the marathoners 4x1. The second half is an out and back loop in the opposite direction with just the marathoners. The hills are moderate. I have no criticisms of this race. The EXPO was congested and they needed are larger tent.

The race has a very low entry fee, but hotels in Newport are very pricey. I would recommend staying near the start/finish/expo. Hotels in the Providence area are half the Newport costs. This year you could pick up the package on race morning. A second cost saving thought is to take the RIPTA bus form the Providence Airport to Newport for $2.00 ($1.00 for seniors). This eliminates a rental car. Any shortcoming of this race is ofset by the lovely course.


L. B. from Rochester, NH (10/16/2013)
"Fun race" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

This was my 6th marathon. I walked from my hotel room to the start line so I cannot comment on the shuttle service. The race started 15 minutes late and the volunteers at the first water stop were overwhelmed by the amount of runners coming in and were unable to keep up. Those are my only complaints. The half marathon was beautiful, the second half of the marathon was less scenic but still enjoyable. The residents were encouraging and even had a candy stop at the last turn around point. I don't usually run a marathon more than once but if I did, I would do this one again


T. M. from New Jersey (10/14/2013)
"Beautiful course, poorly organized, very windy" (about: 2013)

2 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

An absolutely beautiful course. Newport RI is gorgeous. Very challenging course though not only because of the rolling terrain but it was extremely windy. Right on the ocean and you just get blasted. Not a race if you are looking to run a fast time.

Organization is poor. The focus is really on the half marathon. The transition were the half ends and the marathon continues was poorly marked and confusing. There were spectators literally on the marathon course getting in the way. And while I thought the second half of the course was really nice they do not shut the roads and sometimes you are literally running around cars and are running on the side of the road.

Recommended for beautiful scenery but not to run a fast time.


S. K. from New York, NY (10/14/2013)
"Spectacular ViewsWatch for Traffic" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

No marathon will have 26.2 miles of perfect scenery, but Newport provides more than its fair share. Unfortunately, the roads beyond a few major intersections were poorly patrolled and the traffic cones were inadequate for keeping the volume of runners on one side of the street. Cars were making their way through the stream of runners and some drivers appeared fairly impatient. This is a disaster waiting to happen. The aid stations in the first half seemed unprepared for the runners, pouring water as we arrived. Newport has the potential to be a great marathon; they just aren't there yet.


K. G. from Wash DC (10/14/2013)
"Worth the Trip!!!" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

Really well organized & FINALLY a race with enough Port-a-Johns. Sunday packet-pick up, bag check, shuttles, aid stations - ALL WELL DONE! Slightly disorganized start (10 min late, not really sure how to access the shoots) but that was all soon forgotten. What it lacks in spectators, it MORE than makes up for in views!


J. C. from Philadelphia, PA (11/18/2012)
"Good half- bad full" (about: 2012)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

This is absolutely a half marathon race with a full added on as an after thought. It's a beautiful half marathon. The 2nd half course is ugly with several out and backs that seem to make no sense and were just created to get an additional 13 miles.
I ran 4:00 and absolutely no food of any kind and only bottled water at end. That was a disgrace. Great race for a half, terrible for a full.


L. S. from Rhode Island (11/17/2012)
"Challenging but boring and poor spectator support." (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

This was my eleventh marathon and I was disappointed overall with this race. First of all, the race was delayed for 10 minutes and the buses (from the parking lot to start) were running behind schedule.

Second, the race course is hilly and, as it is along the ocean, extremely windy. This year (2012) the weather conditions were bad, it was extremely windy the entire race. The race course is virtually unprotected, I expended an incredible amount of energy fighting the wind and was covered in sand from head to toe by the finish. Also, the course could have been more scenic, the back half of the course is boring(and I live in Newport, there are better routes to showcase this city).

This is also a half marathon race - marathon runners run within 20 feet of the half marathon finish. After finishing, half marathoners were crossing the race course (on the way out of the finish area) getting in the way of the marathon runners.

Additionally, there is no crowd support for this race - no musicians and no organized cheering sections.

Finally, the race expo was the worst expo I have ever been too. There was essentially only a packet pick-up with maybe 5 vendors at most. There also was no additional 'marathon gear' to purchase.


Ed Robins from Philadelphia, PA (10/22/2012)
"Super Scenic, moderately challenging" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons

I ran the 2012 race for my Rhode Island marathon. For the most part I really enjoyed the experience.

The expo was in beautiful Historic Newport. I got in and out effortlessly. There were a few booths, enough that you could get gels and any other last minute supplies. I spent some time in Newport. There was a seafood festival going on and lot's of shops.

I've read some complaints about the shuttle system but it worked smoothly for me. I arrived there around 6:15 (8:00 start) and had no issues. I suspect the problems were with folks who got there late. The race began almost 15 minutes late and seeing buses still arriving one can only guess the delay was for that. The website did encourage folks to arrive early for the shuttles. After the race the shuttle worked just as efficiently for me.

The course is the most scenic I have ever run, especially the first half. You see beaches, marinas, stunning mansions, an historic army base and a wildlife refuge. When the views are beautiful and diverse that's the ideal.

This year we had overcast skies and blustery wind. So windy that I saw some of the sandwich sign mile markers blown over. I'm sure the wind was worse than usual but running along the water I suspect some wind is always an issue. There are lot's of rolling hills along the course. Only one or two can really be called steep and most are very short but collectively they do take a toll. You do hit a tough short but steep hill around 24.3 that was unappreciated. :(

I've read some complaints that this race is a half marathon with a full just thrown in. I'm not sure I completly agree with that but I can see why folks say that. The first half is the most scenic (altho the second half is quite nice) and its one of those races where you run with the halfers for the whole first half and suddenly feel lonely as you pass the finish line and head out for the second half. The roads are closed the first half but are open the second half. I experienced no issues with cars and I don't think the second half needs closed roads but others may disagree.

My only complaint is I felt the second half didn't have enough water stops. There were seven and even though it was cool (around 60) and overcast it was humid and I didn't feel like 7 was enough. I believe marathons need more water stops the second half than the first. The second half stops did all have gels and the volunteers were great. One stop (that we passed multiple times) we were greeted by folks in costume claiming to be the zombie stop.

To the person who ran a 2:28 and said they were out of food. I ran a 4:37 and there was plenty of food for me. They had soup, pizza and lot's of smaller bars and banannas. I can't eat pizza after a marathon but I saw lot's of folks who obviously can.

You get a nice short sleeve tech shirt and the medal is also nice. In short I think this is a very good marathon.


B. B. from Pittsburgh, Pa. (10/18/2012)
"Windy and beautiful" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

A very beautiful but challenging course. Along with a persistent wind that always seemed to be in our faces, there was blowing sand and lots of moderate hills. None of the hills were too bad, except the killer hill in the final miles.
I thought that the organization was very good. I arrived early and had no problems parking and the shuttle system worked very well. I didn't like that cars were allowed onto the course and were mixing in with the runners. The aid stations were excellent and I was offered gels more often than at any other race.
The shirt and medal are both first rate. I imagine that I will wear the short sleeve shirt often.
Overall, many more areas to praise than criticize. It is a great way of getting Rhode Island for fellow 50 staters.


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